Sermon Send helps you create a single, organized page that contains all your sermon content in one place. It makes it easy for your congregation to engage with your sermon throughout the week through various formats like video clips, devotionals, and blog posts.
Watch the overview here:
Automatically creates pages from your Sermon Shots content
Customizable page design (colors, typography, titles)
Hosts sermon videos and audio
Displays sermon clips and images
Includes 5-day devotionals
Features blog posts and key takeaways
One-click sharing options
Go to Sermon Send
Choose your Sermon Send page-- or if you don't have one yet-- click on "Create a new page"
On the Actions column, you can Publish/Unpublish your content (to make the page link accessible or not), Edit (to customize your page), Delete Page, and Copy Link (to share with your audience).
To customize your page, click on "Edit"
To change your sermon title, click and modify the text field.
Choose when the first day of your 5-day devotionals begin.
Here’s where you would see your current sermon page’s thumbnail:
Here’s where you would adjust your sermon page’s color palette and typography...
Scroll down, and you’ll see where you can set your CTA (Call to Action), and change/update your thumbnail.
Click on ”Save Changes” once you’re done.
On the right, is where you would see what your audience will see on their device, click on ”Preview Page” and another tab will open where you can view the entire page you’ve created.
Click ”Next” at the top right, to proceed...
Click through the days to modify which day you would customize...
You have the freedom to alter any of the details for your sermon page like Devotion Title, Message, Bible Verse, Quote of the Day, and Reflection Question-- but by default... the content is pulled from your uploaded sermon via Sermon Shots. Then click on ”Save Changes” to apply your customizations.
You can upload JPG, JPEG, PNG, SVG, or WEBP images (up to 2048px in width) or videos (up to 1GB in size). You can upload multiple images that your audience can view on your page’s Media Gallery:
Finally-- Review your page using the preview feature. Click "Publish" when ready to make your page live -- Share the page link with your congregation.
Makes sermon content more accessible
Helps the congregation engage with the message throughout the week
Provides multiple ways to interact with sermon content
Makes sharing sermon content simple and efficient
Optimize for Each Platform: Customize your content for each platform’s unique audience (e.g., shorter text for Twitter, larger visuals for Instagram).
Include Call-to-Actions: Engage your audience by including calls to action (e.g., “Share this sermon” or “Comment your thoughts”).
Schedule for Optimal Times: Use analytics to identify the best times to post for maximum engagement.
Use Hashtags and Keywords: Incorporate relevant hashtags and keywords to increase discoverability.
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