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How to Make Viral Sermon Clips

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Sermon clips can spread the word about your Church and reach a wide audience with a positive message by utilizing Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, Youtube Shorts, and Tiktok. When choosing which parts of your sermon should be highlighted as clips, consider what will impact viewers who may not be familiar with your church or message. Focus on snippets closely related to your core message and emphasize its relevance for today’s world.


2 Kinds of Sermon Clips

#1 – Topics About Life/Culture Mixed With a Message of Faith

  • Target Audience: Christians & Non-Christians
  • Content: Focus on topics geared toward our current culture and mix in a message of faith
  • Purpose: Encourage, inspire, & entertain
  • Reach: More likely to go “viral” because it has a more accessible message
  • Goal: Reach non-Christians, get more people to watch your sermon, grow your social media

This is for both Christians and non-Christians, but your goal is to have a wider reach where people from different backgrounds and denominations can still relate. This can be a sermon about popular topics like relationships, finances, goals, or other popular topics. These clips highlight culture today while mixing in a message of faith.  This will make your content universally accessible, thus helping you reach more people.


#2 – Deeper Talks About Jesus, God, & the Gospel

  • Target Audience: Christians, regular Church attenders, & your congregation
  • Content: More Biblical based
  • Purpose: Make a Biblical point, encourage Christians, teach, etc.
  • Reach: Less reach but more geared towards an audience that would watch your full sermon
  • Goal: Reach Christians in your community to give them a peak at your church & bring in more visitors

This is one of those parts where the pastor is diving into the meat of the message and the essential point of the sermon. This can be a profound theological message or simply talking about something from the Bible. This can be a confronting and convicting message that challenges believers to have a deeper walk with God. 


Have you tried creating clips before?


Tips for Identifying the Best Parts of Your Sermon for Clips & Recaps

Analyze Your Content 

When going through the sermon, look for moments that stand out regarding relevance and impact. We call them “Amen” moments. These will be the most memorable parts of your message and should be at the center of any clips you create. 


Identify Potential Pitfalls

Be aware of any comments or phrases that could be misinterpreted when taken out of context or misunderstood by viewers unfamiliar with your church and its beliefs. If a clip runs the risk of being misconstrued, it is best to leave it out. 


Focusing on Key Points

Look for those moments that highlight your core message, particularly if they have the potential to be widely shared or related back to other sermons from different churches. 


Summarizing Main Takeaways from Each Part of the Sermon  

As you go through the sermon, jot down a few key phrases or points from each section that captures its essence and could be used for clips. This will help to create a better understanding of the overall message and make it easier to decide which specific parts should be highlighted. 

Pay attention to memorable phrases, quotes, stories, illustrations, or pieces of scripture that stand out during the sermon. These will be more likely to resonate with viewers and draw them in.


Tips for Creating Sermon Clips

How to Get Started

Not sure how to create clips? See a step-by-step for creating clips here. It takes less than 10 minutes and you can do it!


Consider the Appropriate Length

Try to keep clips as short as possible while making the point clear. Aim for something around 30 seconds but you can go as much as 90 seconds. The longer the clip, the more likely you are to lose engagement so keep clips inspirational, funny, or entertaining throughout. Consider breaking longer clips into multiple clips that address different points together. Whatever you decide, ensure each clip has an overall purpose and leaves viewers wanting to see more from your Church.


Create Clips from Your Sermon

The best clips come when you choose specific content from within the sermon itself rather than creating something completely new afterward. This ensures that the clip sticks closely to what was initially said during the service and accurately conveys its purpose in context. Pay attention to memorable phrases, quotes, stories, illustrations, or pieces of scripture that stand out during the sermon. These will be more likely to resonate with viewers and draw them in.



Crafting clips from your sermon is an effective way to reach a larger audience and invite people into your ministry. When selecting content for clips, consider what will impact viewers and focus on moments closely related to your core message. Be sure to analyze the sermon’s content carefully and pay attention to memorable phrases, quotes, stories, illustrations, or scripture that stand out. If done correctly, you can use sermon clips to create meaningful connections with new viewers and ultimately grow your church’s reach. 

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